Walking speedSpeed
1.0 (total: 100)
1.0 (total 20)
Size scale
Biome statistics
Oxygen time
45 seconds (Unaffected)
Temperature time
10s (Unaffected)
Pressure time
5 seconds (Unaffected)
Salinity time
20s (Unaffected)

The Worm is a tier 1 animal. It is based on its real life counterpart, the European Nightcrawler, Eisenia hortensis.

Buffs[ | ]

  • You can go every biome.
  • You can dig in terrain, iceberg, glaciers and islands.
  • You gain +25% more speed while digging, but also gain a little damage (speed increased up to 125%).
  • Immune to ocean corals.

Mechanics[ | ]

  • There are no animals that evolve into worms, as they are a tier 1 animal.
  • Worms evolve into lampreys or Crayfish.
    • 4,000 XP is required for a worm to evolve into any of these animals.
  • Worms do not drop any meat, but instead yield XP upon being eaten.
  • As a worm, friendly fire is turned off for other worms and oarfish: meaning you cannot damage them nor be damaged by them.
  • Your best food sources are algae, yellow algae, and berries. (islands have bushes that grow berries)

Abilities[ | ]

Passive Abilities[ | ]

  • You can burrow through the ground, islands, and glaciers.
  • You are +20% faster when burrowing through the ground.
  • However, you cannot eat algae while burrowing.

Diet[ | ]

This is a complete list of food that worms can eat.

Name Can be eaten by Image XP Description
Barb All except for the stonefish who spawned it Barb 0 Spawns behind a stonefish using their active ability. Deals damage upon eating it (7% of max life). Poisons anyone who eats it with a base DPS of 10% that lasts 5 seconds (except poison-immune animals). Despawns after 4 seconds.
Bird Poop All except for lamprey and seagull Birdpoop 10 Affected by gravity. Automatically spawns below any seagull every 10 seconds.
Plankton All Food 250 Spawns in the ocean.
Dam Food Tier 1 to tier 7 Damfood 35 Spawns underneath beaver dams.
Ice All Ice 250 Spawns in the arctic and deeeep.
Algae Oarfish, penguin, tier 1 to tier 6 except lamprey Algae 50 Spawns on the ocean floor.
Yellow Algae Oarfish, penguin, tier 1 to tier 6 except lamprey YellowAlgae 50 Spawns on the floors of the arctic and deeeep.
Apple Tier 1 to tier 8 except lamprey and pelican Apple 50 Spawns in trees.
Berry Tier 1 to tier 8 except lamprey and pelican Fruit 50 Spawns in bushes.
Volcano Food All except lamprey Lavabubble 125 Affected by gravity, floats upwards. Spawns out of volcanoes, which can be hidden in and are located in the arctic and the deeeep. When eaten as an animal that is not suited to the arctic, it will replenish some of your temperature.
Meat All Meat 1000 Spawns where an animal dies (tier 2 to tier 10 animals only). The amount of meat that spawns depends on what animal it was.

Hiding Places[ | ]

This is a complete list of terrain that worms can hide in.

Name Summary Image
Small Anemone Generates in the ocean/arctic/deep, but only tier one animals can hide in it. Small Anemone
Anemone Generates in the ocean, deep reef, arctic,and reef. Tier 1 to tier 3 can hide here. Anemone2
Small Tube Sponge Generates in the ocean and reef. Frogfish can disguise as these. Tier one can hide in these. Small Sponge
Tube Sponges Generates in the ocean, deep, and sometimes reef and arctic. Tier 1 to tier 3 can hide here. Tube Sponges
Anemone Generates on the ocean floor. Tier 1 to tier 3 animals hide here. Anemone
Anemone Generates in the ocean and reef. Tier 1 to tier 3 can hide here. RedAnemones
Sea Sponge Generates in the ocean and reef. Tier 1 to tier 3 can hide here. Sea Sponge
Tube Worms Generates in the deep. Tier 1 to tier 3 can hide here. Tube Worms
Volcano Generates on the arctic and deeeep floors and cold ocean islands. There is one near the Deeeep in the Cave. Produces volcano food, (or volcanic algae) which can be eaten. Tier 1 to tier 3 animals can hide here. Volcano
Broken Tree Generates on the swamp floor. Tier 1 to tier 3 animals and Electric Eel, Snake and Anaconda can hide here. Broken Tree
Barrel Sponge Generates in the reef or deeeep. Tier 1 to tier 6 can hide here. Barrel Sponge
Abandoned House Does not generate randomly, one abandoned house always appears in a specific location to the left of the deeeep floor. Tier 1 to tier 9 animals can hide here. Pineapple
Shipwreck One shipwreck always appears on one of the dirt islands that border the ocean and deeeep. Tier 1 to tier 9 animals can hide here. Produces bubbles that can be eaten. Shipwreck
Shipwreck One shipwreck always appears on one of the dirt islands that border the ocean and deeeep. Tier 1 to tier 9 animals can hide here. Produces bubbles that can be eaten. Distinguishable from the shipwreck above by comparing the shape of the windows. Shipwreck2
Giant Shipwreck Generates in any biome. All animals can hide here. Hiding places are ship windows and the crack. Big Boat

Skins[ | ]

Skins are cosmetics that can be used to change an animal's appearance in the game. Here are the list of skins that can be used for the worm.
Name Creator ID Price Date Created Description Image Details
Earthworm u/Wolfy_163 42 25 coins 2nd May, 2019 N/A Earthworm Not seasonal
Gummy Worm Poborski 8654 0 coins 18th October, 2021 N/A Gummy worm Seasonal: Halloween
Five Nights Worm Volbo_Dugs 452 0 coins 19th November, 2020 We're waiting every night... Five nights worm Seasonal: Halloween
Gingerbread Worm The Happy Krill 7351 1 coin 10th December, 2021 😛🙂. Gingerbread worm Seasonal: Christmas
Wormacracker emiandunblue 9833 0 coin 6th January, 2022 the best worm main will light up your new year 1v6ecc4zt7a81 Seasonal: Lunar New Year
Lipstick Worm MEGAmew 10288 0 coin 29th January, 2022 a sentient being that can feel pain. However this freak of nature wears down its red head (only found in males) whilst digging, slowly killing it. I1pz9jyjkne81 Seasonal: Valentine's Day
Valentine Wrapper Worm MEGAmew 10286 0 coin 29th January, 2022 The good kind of ribbon worm Hhiqwd4ehne81 Seasonal: Valentine's Day

History[ | ]

This section highlights all the changes made to the worm in documented updates so far. A full changelog can be found here.

Update Changes
February 13th, 2017 Added 5 new animals: blobfish, king crab, worm, anglerfish, and leopard seal.
February 14th, 2017 Changed worm and leopard seal orders.
February 18th, 2017 Fixed flying worms bug (hopefully).
April 6th, 2017 Fixed respawning as blobfish/worm/fish accordingly.
April 30th, 2018 Worm is now affected by temperature and pressure.

Trivia[ | ]

  • The worm is the smallest animal in the game.
  • Despite being a Tier 1 animal, the Worm is BIG, SCARY, AND PINK!