
The controls of are simple and relatively easy to master. This page will list all the controls and hotkeys that can be used in different platforms of the game. The bottom of the page will also list out the slash commands of (yea, there are these kind of things in the game) and their functions.

Controls in Different Platforms[ | ]

The controls of differs according to the platforms it is played in. is made for PC, thus most people play the game with a PC with a Mouse. Here is the list of controls and hotkeys for Snow and Below Beta, 2022 if you are playing on a PC.

Screenshot (1520)
  • Your animal follows your mouse cursor around.
  • Click on your left mouse button or spacebar to use a Normal Boost. Holding it for some time and releasing it causes you to use a Charged Boost. While holding a charged boost, right click to cancel it (if using a touchpad just click the mouse button with another finger to do this). Most animals have 2, 3, or even 4 boosts. Do note that some animals do not have a charged boost (such as the whale) and some do not have any boosts (like the worm),
  • Scroll up to zoom in, and scroll down to zoom out. You could also do this by clicking on these buttons (image).
  • Click on the Full Screen Button (image) for a full screen view. Use the same button, or the Esc key to exit Full Screen.
  • Press N, or click on the Map Button (image) for a bigger view of the mini-map.
  • Press H to hide/show your Evolution Dialog. Click on the buttons Hide or Show Evolution Dialog if you don’t believe in hotkeys.
  • You may notice that every animal on the Evolution Dialog has numbers on the top right corner of its image. You can use the number keys 1 to 9 as hotkeys to evolve into the animal represented by those numbers. Alternatively, you can also click on the animals you want to evolve into.
  • Click on the Top of Leader Board to toggle it.
  • Press I to see your current animal’s info (which appears after you evolve into it) again. Unfortunately there are no mobile controls for it.
  • Press T to open the team tab in the TFFA game mode, which shows every team (or swarm) nearby. You can also use this button (image) for the same purpose. In Pearl Defense (PD), the hot key is R.
  • Hold the E key to open a emote tab. Hover to the emote you want to use and click it to use it. It only works if an emote is equipped.
  • Press Enter to start typing. Type the message you want and press Enter again to send it to everyone in the map. Messages spawn in the location you send it and remain stationary, and despawns after 10 seconds. In PD, messages sent by the Enter key can only be seen by teammates, so use the Shift key along as well (Shift + Enter) if you want to have an argument with the other team.
  • Press M to mute the chat. While the chat is muted, you are unable to see anyone’s messages, including your own, until you unmute by pressing the M key again. You can also do it in the Chat section in settings, though it is much more convenient via hotkeys.
  • Click on the Settings Button (image) to customize Graphics, Chat and the Language.

Although runs relatively well in these platforms, the mobile version is not the most popular option. However, some people find this easier than PC. Here is the list of controls and hotkeys for Snow and Below Beta, 2022 if you are playing on an iPad or a Mobile Phone.

(Contribute with a clear Mobile Screenshot in the Gallery k?)

  • Your animal can be controlled with a joystick by default, but you can always change it to a virtual pad in the Settings. The joystick option is by far the most popular option for mobile.
  • Tap on the Boost Button (image) to do a Normal Boost. Hold it down for some time and release it to do a Charged Boost. While holding a charged boost, drag your finger away from the Boost Button to cancel the charge. (Wait, you can cancel boosts on mobile? Always has been…).
  • Tap on these buttons to zoom in or out (images).
  • Tap on the Full Screen Button to enter or exist a Full Screen View.
  • Tap on the Map Button (image) for a bigger view of the mini-map.
  • Tap on the Hide Button (image) on the Evolution Dialog to close it. Tap on the Show Evolution Dialog Button (image) to reopen it.
  • Choose the animals you want to evolve into by clicking on their images on the Evolution Dialog.  
  • Tap on the Top of the Leader Board to toggle it.
  • Tap on the Team Button (image) to open a team tab in the TFFA game mode, which shows every team (or swarm) nearby.
  • Hold on the Emote Button (image) to open a emote tab. Move your finger to the emote you want to use and stop holding it to use it.
  • Tap on the Message Button (image) and click on the Message Dialog to start typing. Type the message you want, close your virtual keyboard and tap the Send Button to send it to everyone in the map. Messages spawn in the location you send it and remains stationary, and despawns after 10 seconds. In TFFA or PD, because enter and shift is absent, so you will think you can only send messages to teammates. But now, you can press ”say” or ”everyone” to send messages to people's out of your team.
  • Tap on the Settings Button (image) to customize Graphics, Controls and the Chat.
  • Typing "/user" in chat will display to you and other players your username along with a button to add your account to their friends list.

Secret Commands[ | ]

/user - shows a player's account information

Type the green word

If you want to let your name or typing word have color, add <GRE> <RED> <BLU> <tribe> to the text to change the word color.

Be a ghost

add (GHOST) to your name to become a ghost fish.

How can you help this page[ | ]

  • Add all commands you know in
  • The (image) will be replaced by the button's assets in the future, upload them if you have them.

Gallery[ | ]


References[ | ]

